Jaunā OsiriX MD 2.0 versija, jaunajiem Mac

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We just released OsiriX MD 2.0, a major release of our medical DICOM viewer, with multiple enhancements:

  • Certified for MacOS 10.8, Mountain Lion (we highly recommend this major OS update)
  • Optimized and enhanced for high resolution Retina screens
  • On-Demand image retrieving, compatible with any DICOM nodes (On-Demand Preferences)
  • Display comparative studies in a separate view, including comparatives studies available on a distant DICOM node
  • CD/DVD reading: rely on DICOMDIR for better performance, displayed as independent database
  • Auto Query Retrieve : multiple instances, option to lock
  • Apply multiple DICOM fields modifications in a single step (Meta-Data Editor window)
  • Curved-MPR: High-Res mode (Lanczos 3D interpolation)
  • Movies files produces for HTML pages (CD Burning, WebPortal) are now MPEG4 HTML5 files
  • DVD/CD Burning: option to save the content on a USB Key



Upgrade today at http://www.pixmeo.com !

Aug 20, 2012